Set yourself up for success – Q4 is approaching and for many of us, it is the busiest time of year. We wanted to share a few lessons we are learning, ideas that we hope spread inspiration for you to keep up your hard work and prep for Q4!
Announcing our new set of blog posts, the BLOGGER and INFLUENCER Community Support Series. This is our first post, of many, offering assistance on many topics and encouragement for our #HAVENmavens, leading to a successful business journey.
Face Q4 Fearlessly – ready? here we go….
Idea Number One:
Think community over competition, start preparing your own work, spending time doing the things YOU LOVE.
Please do not spend time comparing your self to others – SHARE YOU with the COMMUNITY.
Don’t be hazed over and bogged down by comparing yourself to others; it does not spark JOY, actually you may even start to feel like you are not good enough…may I remind you, YOU ARE ENOUGH, we all are enough!
Train your mind to see others’ successes as community strength. Look to your peers for inspiration to prep, plan, and strive for your goals.
Photo Credit: Erika Ward, of Erika Ward Interiors, is a beautiful representation of sharing community spirit – we adore her attitude and willingness to share with us, as her community of DIY Designers.
I am loving the mix of iris and navy here, she is a pro.
Idea Number Two:
NOW is the TIME to DO – Create, Make, and Share.
You should plan, but you also MUST DO – Seize the day and do ONE THING you have been apprehensive about. What makes you a bit nervous? IT IS TIME to dip your toes in and DO that thing….Share more about who you are on IG Stories, post on Pinterest by promoting your latest blog post, try to to create an IG Reel, write an email blast, record your first podcast. Write your ONE THING DOWN, right now, then DO IT.
The point, you need to stop planning and start doing – did you hear that one? We LOVE YOU and want to see the ABSOLUTE BEST SUCCESS for YOU.
Here are a few DOERS from all design backgrounds. We hope this will give you a bit of inspiration, no matter your design style. Watch these women and see how they “do”, designing a life they love:
Idea Number Three:
Welcome to the year of the PIVOT! Embracing change is something you either have enjoyed OR have been forced into change – either way, change is a constant in our lives.
BOOK ALERT, easy read – Who Moved My Cheese by Dr. Spencer Johnson.
With this notion of change, are you checking into your mission statement, your core business values, your branding? Keeping these items, regarding your business current is important.
Your business brand is YOU, embracing change and keeping your brand focused and up to date is important. You are representing a unique business that does not exist, exactly like yours, anywhere. You also have influence to share with your audience, with the world-changing, you can share this voice as the world ebbs and flows in a manner that fits your brand.
Your MISSION STATEMENT: Do you have one for reference? Here is why you should have a brand mission: This will anchor you with all of the change that is abundant around us – you will have this to land on for a source of clarity when needed.
Your career mission statement should incorporate the following 3 items:
Your skills and abilities – What makes you proud of YOU? What do you LIKE TO DO?
Your personality traits – You can google a couple of tests if you do not already know how you work or operate.
Your core values, dreams, and passions.5 steps to your perfect career mission statement:
Identify core values
Identify what are you solving for your audience through your traits.
   Identify how you will deliver your product or service through how you conduct your business.
Identify goals (short-term and long-term)
   Write your mission statement – still need a boost? Our Heart of HAVEN Library offers a few different printables to assist you here.

You should also take the time, say every six months, to review your mission statement – what’s working well and what now doesn’t fit as you navigate the changes of life.

Time to face Q4 with a smile and a GO GET EM spirit!
Cherish the boldness it takes to share yourself, trust yourself, and DO YOU – YOU ARE ENOUGH.

We cherish you and hope you share a few success stories with us along the way.

XOXO, Kristin & The HAVEN team

More resources:

Back to Business Bundle: 21 recorded sessions to support your online business growth.